Chairman and CEO
Market Listing Specialist
A graduate in Business Finance (DESS de finance d’entreprise) from the Université Paris IX Dauphine, Yannick PETIT began his career with the launch of the Matif in 1986, working as a Project Director (Chef de Mission) in the Audit Department of Matif SA before being appointed Finance Director.
After a short posting as Head of Accounting and Management Control for the Daï Chi Kangyo Bank, Yannick PETIT joined SBF-Bourse de Paris (Euronext SA) in 1991. Recruited to the position of Head of Sales, his active part in the relaunch of the Second Marché saw him named Head of Issuer Relations from 1992 to 1995.
The ideas man behind the Nouveau Marché, Yannick PETIT was named Deputy CEO of SBF-Bourse de Paris subsidiary, Société du Nouveau Marché, as of its creation in May 1995. At the helm of the Nouveau Marché, he prospected some 500 businesses, recruiting over 100 companies essentially from the new information technologies and health sectors.
In 1999, Yannick Petit founded the France Finance & Technologies Group and took up control of FF&T Equity, later to become Avenir Finance Corporate after its sale to the Avenir Finance Group in 2002. Head of Avenir Finance Corporate until March 2006, he went on to set up Allegra Finance. Yannick Petit is Chairman of the Association des Intermédiaires en Valeurs Moyennes (AIVM) and Lecturer for the CNAM.